This page contains the Open DEI principles and their recommendations

1. Interoperability through Data Sharing

Effective interoperability through data sharing requires the definition of standard data models and often a standard API, as well as mappings of these data models into data structures compatible with the API. Such standard data models specify the unique identifiers and shortnames, valid value types and semantics associated to attributes of classes of real/digital objects. Based on this Open DEI has formulated the following recommendation for architectures

Recommendation 1: OPEN DEI RAF should foster technical interoperability at syntactic and semantic levels, via the use of data sharing mechanisms, grounded on well-established standards and design/implementation patterns.

2. Openness

In the context of data-driven services, the concept of openness mainly relates to data, data/API specifications and software. In specific, openness refers to Open Data and Open Source software.

Open data refers to the idea that all sharable data should be available (for free or under fair conditions) for use and reuse by others, unless restrictions apply e.g. for protection of personal data, confidentiality, or intellectual property rights.

The use of open source software technologies and products can help to save development cost, reduce the total costs of ownership (TCO), avoid a lock-in effect and allow fast adaptation to specific business needs because the developer communities that support them are constantly adapting them. On the other hand, development of open source reference implementations of API specifications is the basis for definition of most widely “de facto” standards nowadays. OPEN DEI compliant systems should not only use open source software but whenever possible contribute to the pertinent developer communities.

Recommendation 2: OPEN DEI RAF should ensure a level playing field based on open source datasets/software/standards and demonstrate active and fair consideration of the coverage of functional needs, maturity and market support and innovation.

3. Reusability

Reusability of IT solutions (e.g. software components, Application Programming Interfaces, standards), information and data, is an enabler of interoperability and improves quality because it extends operational use, as well as saves money and time. Sharing and reuse of IT solutions fosters also the adoption of new business models, promoting the use of open source software for key ICT services and when deploying digital service infrastructure.

Recommendation 3: OPEN DEI RAF must support reusing and sharing of data and solutions, enabling cooperation in the collaborative development of data models and solutions when implementing Digital Transformation pathways.

4. Avoid Vendor Lock-in

The OPEN DEI RAF should be able to support the adoption of concrete open standard technologies to use for the effective sharing of data, while at the same time choose technologies that will not impose any specific technical implementation and avoid vendor lock-in. The functioning of an implementation-independent technology requires data to be easily transferable among different sub-systems, in order to support the free movement of data. This requirement also applies to data portability - the ability to move and reuse data easily among different applications and systems, which becomes even more challenging in cross-border scenarios.

Recommendation 4: OPEN DEI RAF should foster access and reuse of their digital services and data irrespective of specific technical implementations or products.

5. Security and Privacy

Organisations and businesses must be confident that when they interact with other stakeholders they are doing so in a secure and trustworthy environment and in full compliance with relevant regulations. To establish trust between different security domains, a common data sharing infrastructure is required. This should be based on agreed standards, policies and rules that are acceptable and usable for all domains. In addition to secure solutions, it is necessary to build a trust ecosystem that includes identification, authentication, authorization, trust monitoring and certification of solutions.

Recommendation 5: OPEN DEI RAF must define a common security and privacy framework and establish processes for digital services to ensure secure and trustworthy data exchange between the involved stakeholders and in interactions with organisation and businesses.

6. Support to a Data Economy

In a data economy, data becomes a key asset that businesses provide as a way to generate value. And where businesses do not have the exact data that is valuable to their customers, they use their platform base to connect to other platform partners who DO have that data. Consumers and businesses are more likely to pay for access to data if that data provides them with greater value: if they get premium access to high quality or exclusive content for example, or if the data is available in real-time. Common data sharing infrastructures should come with marketplace functions enabling data providers to publish their offerings associating terms and conditions which, besides data and usage control policies to be enforced, may include different payment modi (e.g.single payment, subscription fees, pay-per-use). To support this, the necessary backend processes are needed(accounting, rating, payment settlement and billing). Standards enabling publication of data offerings across multiple compatible marketplaces will be highly desirable.

Recommendation 6: OPEN DEI RAF must define a data marketplace framework enabling parties to publish open and priced data, supporting the creation of multi-side markets and innovative business models which bring support to the materialisation of a Data Economy.