Documentatie voor deze module kan aangemaakt worden op de volgende pagina: Module:CspComponents/doc

local CspFunctions = require('Module:CspFunctions')
local ClassDefinitionData = require('Module:ClassDefinitionData')

local p = {}

function p.parseComponentIfApplicable(frame)

Parse component for given page. Parse the component template specified by the class definition data, or fall back to default if class definition does not have "Class" in the ws-base-props slot.

Frame arguments used:
- component : (sidebar / subheader / footer)
- page : (pagename) page for which the component should be parsed, defaults to current page
- defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots : (wikitext) this will be parsed instead of a component template, when the class definition does not have "Class" in the ws-base-props slot (as it's then assumed to be an older class definition, from before CSP 1.8.0)

debug console test:
=p.parseComponentIfApplicable(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="whatever",args={[1]="sidebar",["page"]="Template:Sidebar item",["defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots"]="{{#time:r|now}}"}})
=p.parseComponentIfApplicable(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="whatever",args={[1]="sidebar",["page"]="Persoon test/Tester",["defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots"]="{{#time:r|now}}"}})
function p.parseComponentIfApplicable(frame)
  local component = frame.args[1]
  -- return if component is not one of the allowed values
  if component ~= "sidebar" and component ~= "subheader" and component ~= "footer" then
  -- get page from frame args or default to current page
  local page = frame.args["page"]
  if page == nil or page == '' then
    page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  -- get pageData (i.e. slotdata from page)
  local pageData = {}
  pageData["ws-base-props"] = mw.slots.slotData("ws-base-props",page)
  pageData["ws-class-props"] = mw.slots.slotData("ws-class-props",page)
  pageData["ws-data"] = mw.slots.slotData("ws-data",page)
  -- get class from pageData
  local class = ""
  if pageData and pageData["ws-base-props"] and pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"] and pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"] then
    class = pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"]["_text"]
  -- get classData (i.e. slotdata and Class definition specific data from class definition page)
  local classDefinitionPage = CspFunctions.ClassToClassDefinitionPage{["args"]={class}}
  local classData = ClassDefinitionData.get(classDefinitionPage,pageData)
  -- if classData contains a Class value in ws-base-props, get template from classData and parse it. Else fall back to default.
  local result=""
  if classData and classData["ws-base-props"] and classData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"] and classData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"] then
    -- check if the component should be parsed, else return
    local hasComponent
    if component == "sidebar" then 
      hasComponent = classData["var"]["hasSidebar"]
    elseif component == "subheader" then 
      hasComponent = classData["var"]["hasSubheader"]
    elseif component == "footer" then
      hasComponent = classData["var"]["hasFooter"]
    if hasComponent ~= "true" then
    -- parse the component
    local componentTemplate = classData["var"][component .. "TemplateName"]
    mw.log("parse component template from classData = " .. tostring(componentTemplate) )
    result = frame:expandTemplate {
	  title = componentTemplate,
      args = {
        ["$pageData"] =,
        ["$classData"] =  
    -- parse default
    if frame.args["defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots"] then
      mw.log("parsing " .. frame.args["defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots"])
      result = frame:preprocess(frame.args["defaultForClassDefinitionWithoutSlots"] )
  return result

return p