This is the Csp formfield/token template. It should be called in the following format:

{{Csp formfield/token
|name= (text) 
|multiple= (optional: "multiple") to allow selecting multiple values
|required= (optional: "required")
|value= (value(s) from "allowedValues" list) selected values, e.g. "A,C"
|allowedValues= (comma-separated values) value options, e.g. "A,B,C,D,E"


Related templates:

Template:Csp formfield/ask token
Template:Csp formfield/checkbox
Template:Csp formfield/date
Template:Csp formfield/datetime-local
Template:Csp formfield/number
Template:Csp formfield/select
Template:Csp formfield/text
Template:Csp formfield/textarea
Template:Csp formfield/token