IoT and Air Quality in Cities part 2: Air Quality Modelling

Over the past years, interest in air quality has increased resulting in many smart city solutions. This workshop will present an overview of air quality modelling for smart city applications, including refining air pollution maps by incorporating data from emerging sensor networks. Besides improving the real-time information, models can be applied to predict future air quality, predict scenarios, anddetermine sources of air pollution, linking to smart ventilation in smart buildings.

Date: Tuesday March 23rd 2021, 10:00 - 12:00


Registered participants will receive the MS Teams-link a few days before the meeting.

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Stijn Vranckx and Jorge Sousa (VITO), Jelle Hofman (IMEC-NL)



You can watch the video of the workshop on Vimeo

Agenda (2h online event)

  • 10:00 - 10:15

Introduction: Air Quality Modelling and Smart city applications

  • 10:15 - 11:00

Improved air quality information through coupling of sensors and models

  • 11:00- 11:20

Modelling the indoor & outdoor environment of smart buildings

  • 11:20- 11:40

Identification of air pollution sources and screening of air quality solutions

  • 11:40 - 12:00