External linksDit is een speciale eigenschap in deze wiki.
Pagina-ID"Pagina-ID <span style="font-size:small;">(Page ID)</span>" records the ID of a page. It is is provided by the <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Extra_Special_Properties">Semantic Extra Special Properties</a> extension.
947 +
Pagina-auteurDit is een speciale eigenschap in deze wiki.
PaginamakerDit is een speciale eigenschap in deze wiki.
Parsed textDit is een speciale eigenschap in deze wiki.
This is the Class definition properties te … This is the Class definition properties template. It should be called in the following format:</br> </br> {{Class definition properties</br>|Defines class= (text) value that is used for Class property in content pages of this type</br>|Pagetitle format= (value options: title, next_available) the wscreate in "Template:Create page form" will be based on this option, default "next_available"</br>|Allowed namespaces= (optional: comma-separted namespaces) namespaces in which pages of this class are allowed to be created, e.g. "(Main), Project, Article"</br>|Short description= (optional: text)</br>|Has version history= (optional: true) if true, then {{Show version history}} will be added to generated sidebar template code</br></br>layout settings (used to order chameleon components)</br>|Areas= (components) for example 'sidebar main'. Base csp components are: sidebar, sub-header, main</br>|Columns= (size attribute of components) for example: 15em 2fr</br>|Rows=</br></br>storage templates</br>|Base properties template= (optional: page) default "Template:Base properties"</br>|Page properties template (optional: page) default "Template:Csp class properties"</br></br>component templates</br>|Footer template= (optional: page) no default</br>|Sidebar template= (optional: page) default "Template:Csp default sidebar"</br>|Sub header template= (optional: page) default "Template:Csp default subheader"</br>}}</br> </br> Pagetitle formats:</br> </br> title will result in a pagetitle with format Class/title-entered-by-user such as Organization/wikibase-solutions </br> next_available will result in a pagetitle with format Class/incremental_number such as Organization/1 Organization/2 Organization/3 etc. </br> Different Chameleon components can be ordered for different page classes</br> </br> Base csp components are: sidebar, sub-header, main </br> They are defined in the Chameleon skin XML and the default values are set in layout.css </br> You can define different layouts on the Areas parameter, see grid-template-areas for syntax </br> You can define sizes for the columns and rows for this layout, see grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows for syntax </br> Example </br> The example below creates to rows on all pages with the Article class</br> The first row holds the Sidebar and the Sub-header components the Sidebar is set to be 15em wide and the Sub-header is set to 1 fraction, the hieght of this row is set to Auto</br> The second row holds the Main content component it spans over two columns the height of this row is set to 1 fraction</br> </br> {{Class definition properties</br>|Defines class=Article</br></br>|Areas='sidebar sub-header' 'main main'</br>|Columns=15em 2fr</br>|Rows=auto 1fr</br>}} main'
|Columns=15em 2fr
|Rows=auto 1fr
Creatiedatum"Creatiedatum <span style="font-size:small;">(Creation date)</span>" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the first revision of a subject and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
11:31:13, 26 september 2023 +
Wijzigingsdatum"Wijzigingsdatum <span style="font-size:small;">(Modification date)</span>" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_properties">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
12:58:59, 14 maart 2024 +