Showing 20 pages using this property.
"Kennisinstellingen,Overheden,Private Sector" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties,Overheden,Private Sector" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties,Overheden,Private Sector" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
Property "Website" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +
"Burgerparticipaties" is not in the list (Burgers, Kennisinstellingen, Overheden, Industrie) of [[Property:Allows value|allowed values]] for the "Actoren" property.  +