(Imported by PageSync)
k (1 revision imported)
(geen verschil)

Huidige versie van 14 mrt 2024 om 15:52

Documentatie voor deze module kan aangemaakt worden op de volgende pagina: Module:ClassDefinitionData/doc

local CspFunctions = require('Module:CspFunctions')

local p = {}

function p.get(page,contentPageData)

- page = (string) class definition page, e.g. "Wiki:Class definition/Application page"
- contentPageData = (optional: table) slotdata of a content page, with the same class that is defined by the class definition page, e.g. "Template:Csp sidebar tabs" 
	if this is used, then values from contentPageData will be added to CspParameterDefinitions when possible.

p.get("Wiki:Class definition/Application page")

defines data table with subtables:
data["ws-base-props"] 		slotdata
data["ws-class-props"]		slotdata
data["ws-data"]				slotdata
  ["CspParameterDefinitions"]  default and additional values are added to the values from the ws-data slot
data["var"] 					variables defined through this module
  ["basePropsTemplate"]			full pagename of base properties template, defaults to "Template:Base properties"
  ["basePropsTemplateName"]		pagename of base properties template, for example "Base properties"
  ["classPropsTemplate"]		full pagename of class properties template, defaults to "Template:Csp class properties", for example "Template:Person properties"
  ["classPropsTemplateName"]	pagename of class properties template, for example "Person properties"
  ["footerTemplate"]			full pagename of footer template, for example "Template:Csp custom footer/Person". Defaults to "".
  ["sidebarTemplateName"]		pagename of footer template, for example Csp custom footer/Person". Defaults to "".
  ["sidebarTemplate"]			full pagename of sidebar template, defaults to "Template:Csp default sidebar"
  ["sidebarTemplateName"]		pagename of sidebar template, for example "Csp default sidebar" or "Csp custom sidebar/Person"
  ["subheaderTemplate"]			full pagename of subheader template, defaults to "Template:Csp default subheader"
  ["subheaderTemplateName"]		pagename of subheader template, for example "Csp default subheader" or "Csp custom subheader/Person"
  ["pagetitleFormat"]			"title" if set to "title", else default to "next_available"
  ["hasParameterDefinitions"]	"yes" or "no" depending on whether data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"] exists
  ["hasFooter"]					"true" or "false", true if "footer" is found in the "Layout areas" parameter and footer template is not empty.
  ["hasSidebar"]				"true" or "false", true if "sidebar" is found in the "Layout areas" parameter
  ["hasSubheader"]				"true" or "false", true if "sub-header" is found in the "Layout areas" parameter
  ["customParameterDefinitionFields"] contains subtable with custom fields as keys

debug console tests:
p.get("Wiki:Class definition/Class definition")
function p.get(page,contentPageData)
  -- get page from frame args or default to current page
  if page == nil or page == '' then
    page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  -- get slot data for each slot and add to data table
  local data = {}
  for slot in string.gmatch("ws-base-props,ws-class-props,ws-data", '([^,]+)') do
      local slotData = CspFunctions.getSlotData(page,slot)
      if slotData == nil then slotData = "" end 
      data[slot] = slotData
  -- return if class is not "Class definition"
  if data["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"] == nil then return end
  if data["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"]["_text"] ~= "Class definition" then return end

  local variables = {}
  -- function to get pagename from full pagename (removes namespace by removing everything up to and including the first ":")
  local function pagename(fullpagename)
    return fullpagename:gsub("[^:]*:","",1)

  local basePropsTemplate, classPropsTemplate, footerTemplate, sidebarTemplate, subheaderTemplate
  -- get basePropsTemplate or set default
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Base properties template"] then
    basePropsTemplate = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Base properties template"]["_text"]
  if basePropsTemplate == nil or basePropsTemplate == "" then basePropsTemplate = "Template:Base properties" end
  -- get classPropsTemplate or set default
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Page properties template"] then
    classPropsTemplate = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Page properties template"]["_text"]
  if classPropsTemplate == nil or classPropsTemplate == "" then 
    classPropsTemplate = "Template:Csp class properties" 
  -- get footerTemplate or set default
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Footer template"] then
    footerTemplate = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Footer template"]["_text"]
  if footerTemplate == nil or footerTemplate == "" then 
    footerTemplate = ""
  -- get sidebarTemplate or set default
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Sidebar template"] then
    sidebarTemplate = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Sidebar template"]["_text"]
  if sidebarTemplate == nil or sidebarTemplate == "" then 
    sidebarTemplate = "Template:Csp default sidebar"
  -- get subheaderTemplate or set default
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Sub header template"] then
    subheaderTemplate = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Sub header template"]["_text"]
  if subheaderTemplate == nil or subheaderTemplate == "" then 
    subheaderTemplate = "Template:Csp default subheader"
  local pagetitleFormat = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Pagetitle format"]["_text"]
  if pagetitleFormat ~= "title" then pagetitleFormat = "next_available" end
  local layoutAreas = ""
  local hasFooter = "false"
  local hasSidebar = "false"
  local hasSubheader = "false"
  if data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Layout areas"] then
    layoutAreas = data["ws-class-props"]["Csp class properties"][1]["Layout areas"]["_text"]
    for component in string.gmatch(layoutAreas, '([^ \'"]+)') do
      if component == "sidebar" then
        hasSidebar = "true"
      elseif component == "sub-header" then
        hasSubheader = "true"
      elseif component == "footer" then
        hasFooter = "true"
  variables["basePropsTemplate"] = basePropsTemplate
  variables["basePropsTemplateName"] = pagename(basePropsTemplate)
  variables["classPropsTemplate"] = classPropsTemplate
  variables["classPropsTemplateName"] = pagename(classPropsTemplate)
  variables["footerTemplate"] = footerTemplate
  variables["footerTemplateName"] = pagename(footerTemplate)
  variables["sidebarTemplate"] = sidebarTemplate
  variables["sidebarTemplateName"] = pagename(sidebarTemplate)
  variables["subheaderTemplate"] = subheaderTemplate
  variables["subheaderTemplateName"] = pagename(subheaderTemplate)
  variables["pagetitleFormat"] = pagetitleFormat
  variables["hasFooter"] = hasFooter
  variables["hasSidebar"] = hasSidebar
  variables["hasSubheader"] = hasSubheader
  -- loop through ws-data CspParameterDefinitions to add default values
  -- also check for custom fields
  variables["hasParameterDefinitions"] = "no"
  local customFields = {}
  if data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"] ~= nil then
    variables["hasParameterDefinitions"] = "yes"
    for i, v in pairs (data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"]) do
      -- loop through fields to check for custom ones
      local defaultFields = {["name"]=true,["propertyName"]=true,["allowedVelues"]=true}
      local defaultFields = {["name"] = true,
    	["propertyName"] = true,
    	["required"] = true,
    	["multiple"] = true,
   	 	["formfieldTemplate"] = true,
    	["allowedValues"] = true,
    	["slot"] = true,
        ["showOnCreate"] = true,
    	["displayTemplate"] = true,
    	["value"] = true
      for field,value in pairs(v) do
        if defaultFields[field] ~= true then
          customFields[field] = true
      local name = data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["name"]
      local propertyName = data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["propertyName"]
      local slot = data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["slot"]
      local value = data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["value"]
      -- set default values when necessary
      if propertyName == nil or propertyName == "" then
        propertyName = name
        data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["propertyName"] = propertyName

      if slot == nil or slot == "" then
        slot = "ws-class-props"
        data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["slot"] = slot
      -- add slotTemplate, so this can be used more easily in for example _edit in a form
      local slotTemplate = ""
      if slot == "ws-base-props" then
        slotTemplate =  "Base properties"
        slotTemplate =  "Csp class properties"
      data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["slotTemplate"] = slotTemplate
      -- add value from contentPageData if possible
      if type(contentPageData) == "table" then
        if contentPageData[slot] and contentPageData[slot][slotTemplate] and contentPageData[slot][slotTemplate][1][name] then
          local value = contentPageData[slot][slotTemplate][1][name]["_text"]
          data["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"][i]["value"] = value
  -- add extra subtable for "variables" derived from slotdata
  variables["customParameterDefinitionFields"] = customFields
  data["var"] = variables
  return data

function p.afExport(frame)

frame args:
page 	(text)	defaults to current page

{{#invoke:ClassDefinitionData|afExport|page=Wiki:Class definition/Application page}}

debug console tests:
=p.afExport(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="whatever",args={["page"]="Wiki:Class definition/Application page"}})
function p.afExport(frame)

-- get slot data for each slot and add to data table
local data = {}
data[1] = p.get(frame.args["page"])
return mw.af.export(data)
function p.set(frame)


This function sets properties based on Class definition data, or alternatively parsed a properties template, when this function is called from a different template than the one specified in the class definition data. This function is used by the default "Csp class properties" template, but can also be used in custom property templates, which can be useful when you want default properties as well as add additional custom properties.

debug console tests:
=p.set(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="Template:Csp class properties",args={["TextAreaInput"]="123",["TokenMultipleInput"]="Alpha,Charlie"}}:newChild{title="Module:ClassDefinitionData",args={["page"]="Persoon_test/Tester"}})
function p.set(frame)
-- get page from frame args or default to current page
  local page = frame.args["page"]
  if page == nil or page == '' then
    page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
  -- get pageData (i.e. slotdata from page)
  local pageData = {}
  pageData["ws-base-props"] = mw.slots.slotData("ws-base-props",page)
  pageData["ws-class-props"] = mw.slots.slotData("ws-class-props",page)
  -- get class from pageData
  local class = ""
  if pageData and pageData["ws-base-props"] and pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"] and pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"] then
    class = pageData["ws-base-props"]["Base properties"][1]["Class"]["_text"]
  -- get classData (i.e. slotdata and Class definition specific data from class definition page)
  local classDefinitionPage = CspFunctions.ClassToClassDefinitionPage{["args"]={class}}
  local classData = p.get(classDefinitionPage)
  if classData == nil or classData == {}
    then return "no classData"

  -- check for custom properties template (i.e. a template that is different than the parent template this function is called from)
  local parentTitle = frame:getParent():getTitle()
  local classPropsTemplate = classData["var"]["classPropsTemplate"]
  if parentTitle ~= classPropsTemplate and classPropsTemplate ~= "Template:Csp class properties" then
    -- return if classPropsTemplate does not have an appropriate value
    if classPropsTemplate == nil or classPropsTemplate == "" then return end
    -- parse classPropsTemplate, pass all frame args as parameters, as well as afExport of pageData
    -- first construct a new table with parent args, this is done by a loop rather than copying the parent args,
    -- as copying made it impossible to add new table elements (like $pageData)
    local propertyTemplateArgs = {}
    for key,value in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do propertyTemplateArgs[key] = value end
    propertyTemplateArgs["$pageData"] = mw.af.export(pageData)
    local result = frame:expandTemplate {
	  title = classPropsTemplate,
      args = propertyTemplateArgs
    return result
    -- else set default properties based on a loop through CspParameterDefinitions in classData
    if classData["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"] == nil then return end
    local properties = {}
    -- properties table will be filled through a loop with the following structure:
    -- single value properties: properties["propertyName"] = "propertyValue"
    -- multiple value properties: properties["propertyName"] = {"propertyValue1","propertyValue2","propertyValue3"}
    -- only parameters for the ws-class-props slot are added to properties
    for i, parameter in pairs (classData["ws-data"]["CspParameterDefinitions"]) do    
      -- check if the value exists in pageData and if slot equals ws-class-props and propertyName does not equal "(none)"
      if parameter["slot"] == "ws-class-props" and pageData[parameter["slot"]] and pageData[parameter["slot"]][parameter["slotTemplate"]]
        and parameter["propertyName"] ~= "(none)" and pageData[parameter["slot"]][parameter["slotTemplate"]][1][parameter["name"]]  then
        -- proceed to add the value to the properties table
        local propertyValue = pageData[parameter["slot"]][parameter["slotTemplate"]][1][parameter["name"]]["_text"]
        if parameter["multiple"] == "true" then
          -- split string into a table with separate values, split by commas (one or multiple) and remove potential spaces around the commas
          propertyValue = mw.text.split(propertyValue,"%s*,+%s*")
        -- add property name and value to the properties table
        properties[parameter["propertyName"]] = propertyValue
    -- set properties
    local result = mw.smw.set(properties)
    -- check for errors
    if result ~= true then
      mw.smw.set({["CspError"] = result.error})
      return "ERROR from Module:ClassDefinitionData, p.set, mw.smw.set = " .. result.error
return p